Tag Archives: humour

Romanian A-Z: Î

Having been occupied with other things, not least letters ‘home’, my blog has been silent for a while. However, today I return with a letter that doesn’t exist in English. It can be written as both î and â, the former being used at the beginning and end of words and the latter in the middle.

It is pronounced as ‘oo’, but without the rounding of the lips and hence resembles the way one might say ‘rude’ in the posher parts of South East England. This is a sound not generally found in Western European languages, being of Slavic origin, though it is also found in some North Welsh dialects. Examples are given here.

So, now that you have met î and â, I am ‘delighted’ to introduce you to the word încântat, which means just that: delighted, pleased or excited. Încântat de cunoştinţă, for example, is the polite way of saying, ‘pleased to meet you’.

It’s a word that I’m particularly fond of because of its connection with the verb a cânta, which comes from the Latin cantare and means ‘to sing’ or ‘to play’ an instrument. (Both the English word ‘cantata’ and the French chanter come from the same Latin root). This  connection appeals to me because I love to sing and I love to listen to music. Music and delight seem to me to belong together.

But there’s more. The alert among you may also have noticed the similarity between încântat and incantation.


Such delight has a darker side, then. I mean, who knows what those people might be chanting in that strange language of theirs? It could be black magic. And even if it isn’t, we all know about the dangers of religious ecstacy, don’t we?!

Mwa ha ha ha ha

Something to remember next time you get lost in a piece of music you love 😉

Meanwhile, perhaps a more useful word for folks new to the country and its language is înțeleg (I understand) or, rather, nu înțeleg (I don’t understand). Închis (closed) is another useful word. It always helps to know whether a place is open or not.

However, my final word for today is câine:


This is honour of the fact that the one sound I will always associate with Romania is the barking of dogs. Often, it’s one of the first sounds we hear in the morning and one of the last we hear at night. There are dogs everywhere. Walk through any village and you will be barked at. Repeatedly. Most are kept outside, where they are either chained up, given the run of the garden or allowed to roam free. It’s rare to see one taken for a walk since their main purpose seems to be to guard property and/or deter predators. They are not, on the whole, treated cruelly, but they do seem to be largely ignored by their owners.

There are also a significant number of semi-feral dogs. Most of those we’ve seen haven’t come anywhere near us, but friends have told us that bites are not uncommon in Bucharest.

I can’t say that I like any of this very much. I’m too fond of dogs. However, as with many things in a foreign culture, there is little I can do about it. It is as it is. Nonetheless, it always warms my heart when I see a Romanian interacting with a dog in a friendly and positive way because it’s something that so many never get to experience.

I’ll finish with a dog who perhaps doesn’t mind very much being ignored. We spotted him in the mountains one day:

IMAG0091 (3)

I’m not sure how he came there, but if you ever find yourself alone in the mountains and you hear the sound of singing…

Watch out!

The things that really matter

This post is especially for those who seek to remind us of the absolute importance of grammar and punctuation. It was sent to me by a little known Cambridge student and I thought I would reproduce it here for your entertainment. After all, I must have a blog post in the latest style 😉

‘This morning I left one of the last supervisions of my Cambridge career, having been treated, once again, to an in depth critique of my use of punctuation within a supervision essay. It wasn’t just that I had italicised my quotations in order to better see what percentage of my essay was actually written in my own words, a practice which is apparently old-fashioned (coming from a Cambridge theology supervisor I take this to mean the practice was dropped some time before the birth of Christ), but I also had used commas, semi-colons and colons incorrectly and to top it all off my quotation marks did not curve inwards. As a schoolkid whose main interests were maths and science, I managed to reach the age of 18 with no idea how to use a colon or semi-colon and no intention of ever doing so. I never imagined that I would one day be sitting in a supervision being told that straight quotation marks make your essay look unprofessional and that I really needed to watch the places where I accidentally put two spaces instead of one. Then again, I never expected to be studying theology at Cambridge.

As you can probably imagine, in light of the comments I have made above, my entire Cambridge career has been littered with these criticisms of use of punctuation, and my grammar in general. I can happily say that, due to the constant vigilance of my first and second year supervisors, I now consistently use the correct form of ‘its’ and don’t use contractions in an academic context (this obviously doesn’t count). So who knows, perhaps there is hope for me yet. Though, even with multiple lessons from my best friend I still have evidently not mastered the distinction between colons and semi-colons. Unfortunately, there is nothing I can do about the curvyness of my quotation marks as my word processing software does not contain options for that (obviously OpenOffice did not intend their documents to look professional), but I don’t think I mind. I’ll keep my straight quotation marks and italicised quotations. Who knows, maybe I’ll start a trend, and in a hundred years time another Cambridge supervisor will be telling his students curvy quotation marks and un-italicised quotes are old-fashioned.

So thank you Cambridge for your insight into the things that really matter but forgive me if I find I disagree. And to those who are reading this, I apologise for any mistakes in my grammar, but I really couldn’t care less.’

European elections: English and French remain best of enemies

There has been unprecedented media excitement over UKIP’s ‘earthquake’ victory in the European elections. Already, speculation has begun on the meaning of this success and is set to continue for several days. Back bench Tories have been reported as placing the blame on Romanian immigrants. Others have pointed towards austerity. But we all know it’s really the French. It’s always been the French. Ever since 1066, it’s been the French. Probably it was the French even before that. In fact, it’s about the only thing on which the English and French agree. We like being best of enemies. It suits us. That’s why we built the tunnel. So we can blow it up again next time one of us wins Eurovision.